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In recent months we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming some wonderful new faces to the team as we continue to grow. As such, we thought it might be nice to put a spotlight on Becca, Hannah, and Lewis, so you can learn more about them and how they came to join our fabulous team…

Rebecca Burns

What is your role at FPC?

Service Manager

What did you do before?

Whilst completing my A-levels I also volunteered for Oxfam and then went straight into the world of work. Before landing at FPC, I explored several avenues, working at a dementia care home, for the civil service, and at another adviser firm.

What made you want to become a service manager?

It was more about working for FPC, rather than the role itself. I knew Hayley, another member of the team, and had heard great things about the company. It sounded like something I wanted to be a part of – now I’ll never look back!

What’s your favourite thing so far about working at FPC?

The people I work with – everyone is so lovely, and we all help each other without hesitation. It has a real ‘team’ feel.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I’ve recently joined the gym and taken up yoga, which I’m really enjoying. I also like to bake, especially when making up new recipes.

Lewis Armstrong

What is your role at FPC?

Financial planner

What did you do before?

I’ve worked in the financial planning industry for over six years. Prior to that, I worked in the management of workplace pension schemes and obtained a level 4 diploma in financial services.

What made you want to become a financial planner?

Having studied finance at university, I felt that becoming a financial planner would be the optimal way to help others. I enjoy the analytical challenge of solving complex financial issues and having the opportunity to make a tangible impact for clients.

What’s your favourite thing so far about working at FPC?

The FPC team are industry leaders in their ability to really know their clients and go the extra mile. There is a wonderful culture driven by everyone at the business which ensures that we continuously do the best for our clients. This is reflected in the staff, who are a pleasure to work with.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time in the garden with my wife, our son, and the dog. If something doesn’t need fixing at the weekend, I like to get out and play a round of golf or a game of tennis. For my sins in a previous life, I am an avid Sheffield Wednesday supporter.

Hannah Miller

What is your role at FPC?

Service manager

What did you do before?

I ran a florist for 16 years, then pivoted and joined a financial planning firm as an executive assistant for two years before starting my role at FPC.

What made you want to become a service manager?

I wanted to stay in the financial services industry as I love the fact that we are here to help clients and I really enjoy interacting with them and building relationships. I wanted to vary my role to learn more about the admin and processes side of a business whilst ensuring that I could still engage with clients.

What is your favourite thing so far about working for FPC?

The team! They are the nicest people to work with, we have a laugh and I feel like I can always be 100% myself, it’s like one big family.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I love the outdoors and exercising, whether it’s hiking in the Lake District or walking, running, badminton, or the gym. When I’m not doing that, I enjoy spending time with my three-and-a-half-year-old nephew Oliver or relaxing with a white wine spritzer!