Providing for your future financial security needs planning and then regular review especially as the tax rules we work within can change.
Pensions planning in particular has altered dramatically over the years and many have become disillusioned as the rules keep constantly changing with every new Chancellor!
Our integrated approach to investment and pensions planning starts with lifetime cashflow modelling to help you explore what you are trying to achieve and then we build a financial plan and investment strategy to support that.
We help you assess to what extent pension funding should play a part in your overall financial planning recognising that for high earners scope is often limited as funding allowances and tax reliefs have been dramatically reduced over the years.
However there are other options and tax efficient alternatives and we can help you to build a bespoke plan that is tax efficient and flexible to provide for your future.
Find out more about our investment approach and read our client stories to see how we’ve helped others achieve financial independence.